Course Description

In this class, students will be introduced to a tep-Heseb, (correct and precise method) for the study of mdw nTr. Based on the concept of syntax or word order this method will focus on teaching students to recognize grammar relationships or the patterns of logic represented by the words in a sentence. As patterns of logic, the student will learn how each word in a sentence is connected to a preceding or the following word in that sentence as an expression of logic.

This method will enable students to learn the basic mdw nTr grammar concepts represented by lessons 1-4, in Gardiner’s Egyptian Grammar book. Students will learn these basic mdw nTr grammar concepts or what I call the rules of mdw nTr logic, (thinking) in a new and exciting manner. *Students may repeat this course for a discounted cost until they can master the material.

NOTE: this is a foundation course and will be required if you wish to take Grammar Applications 2 parts 1 and 2, and Grammar Applications 3.

Course curriculum

    1. The preposition

    1. Adjectives are used as epithets and nouns. Basic words and concepts

    1. Types of sentences and the three uses of 1K iw

    1. Suffix pronouns. 1 m of predication

    1. The use of adjectives to express exclamatory force

    1. The genitive

About this course

  • $450.00
  • 12 lessons
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Zoom - online course

About your Instructor

Sonjedi Ankh Ra

Medu Neter Language Instructor

Sonjedi Ankh Ra has been teaching Medu Neter (ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs) for over a decade and has been an instructor at the Institute of Kemetic Philology since 2019.

He has been a guest presenter at the Temple University's Pan-African Community Education Program (PASCEP), University of Delaware, and a member and presenter at the 2018 and 2019 conferences for the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC).

Sonjedi has studied Medu Neter under Ankh Mi Ra, author of Let the Ancestors Speak, Mfundishi Jhutyms ka n Heru, author of Kupigana Ngumi: Root Symbols of the Ntchru and Ancient Kmt, Spiritual Warriors are Healers, and Mentchu-Hotep and the Spirit of the Medjay, as well as Sebat Rkhty Amen. He is an initiate and Royal Scribe of the Temple of Anu in Newark, NJ. He has a background in Biology from Delaware State University, and the College of Health Sciences in San Antonio, TX.