Reference books we use and recommend

Most of these books are available on Amazon, eBay, and used book stores like, and Some can also be found online as PDFs. 

Grammar books:


Other Reference and Exercise Books:

Videos about Medu Neter, ancient Kemet, and African social constructs

An Introduction to Medu Neter by Rkhty Amen

Hotep Di Nesu: Offering given by the King (Nesu)

Video produced and narrated by SebA Akinjide Bonotchi, Priest's voice by Behudet Ma'at

Hotep Di Nesu: a work inspired by Rkhty Amen

Video produced and narrated by SebA Akinjide Bonotchi

mdw ntr/medu netcher The Voice of the Black Land

Video produced and narrated by SebA Akinjide Bonotchi

Words of Nature

Video produced and narrated by SebA Akinjide Bonotchi


Video produced and narrated by SebA Akinjide Bonotchi

A major aspect of the mental enslavement of African people is our use of European social constructs and European ideas and beliefs about things in general in order to understand, interpret and engage with reality. Our healing requires the discovery and use of African social constructs produced by deep African thinkers in order to understand and engage reality. In this video, you will be introduced to some of those deep thinkers.