Mdw Ntr Grammar Applications 1
Prerequisite: Foundations 1, 2, and 3
In this intermediate-level course, students will be introduced to the next level of mdw nTr grammar.
Start date: TBD
Instructor: Djedemankh Reka Re
Review of Pronouns
continuation of the object pronouns
Independent pronouns
Continue the Independent pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns, and passive pronouns
Special readings
Djedemankh Heka Re was raised in Stedman, NC. As a child in the early 1980s, he developed an affinity for African cultures and pursued this appreciation for his ancestry more intensely as an adult.
He earned an associate's degree in Information Systems Technology in 2004. It was during his college years when he first tried his hand at Medu Netcher, but it wasn't until after college that he could fully pursue the study of the script. After years of self-study, Djedemankh became a student of Rkhty Amen and Bonotchi Montgomery and finished the Medu Netcher program joined by his classmates Chris Frye, Khepera Mery Amen Kieta, and Ra Nwb Shepeses, along with A.J. Giles whom he and Chris began their journey with.
He utilizes his love of the natural world to augment his studies by studying Africa's flora, fauna, and natural phenomena to better understand the Medu Netcher script and place Kemet back into its African context.